
Governance Report for the year ended 31 December 2023

The Board is responsible for setting the Company’s purpose, strategy and values, promoting the long-term sustainable success of the Group while generating shareholder value and contributing to the society in which it operates.

Corporate Governance Statement

John Mulchay Chairman

On behalf of the Board, I am pleased to present the Corporate Governance Report for the year ended 31 December 2023.

The Board is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and for the year ended 31 December 2023, the Corporate Governance Report, in conjunction with the Audit and Risk Committee Report, the Remuneration Committee Report, the Nomination Committee Report and the Environmental and Social Responsibility Committee Report, describes how the Company has applied the principles and followed the provisions of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code (the ‘Code’) and the Irish Corporate Governance Annex (the ‘Annex’) and details any departures from the specific provisions.

Nomination Committee Report

John MulcahyChair, Nomination Committee

"..a focus for committee activity in 2024 will be the review and refreshment of the composition of the Board’s key committees.”

Audit & Risk Committee Report

Cara RyanChair, Audit and Risk Committee

“This committee continues to fulfil a vital role in the Company’s governance framework...”

Remuneration Committee Report

Pat McCannChair, Remuneration Committee

“The committee recognises the importance of rewarding our employees fairly and competitively...”

Environmental, Social & Governance Committee Report

Camilla HughesChair, Environmental and Social Responsibility Committee

“The beginning of 2023 saw a key milestone with the approval by the committee of the Group’s Net Zero Transition Plan.”

Board of Directors

The Board provides effective leadership by developing and guiding the strategic direction of the Group, understanding the key risks faced by the Group, determining the risk appetite of the Group and ensuring that a robust internal control environment and risk management framework are in place.